Support Your Favorite Citizen Journalist

Support Your Favorite Citizen Journalist

Whats up Everybody! It’s Marc D’Andre reporting live from 7Mile Radio, and I want to take a moment to connect with you about something that’s more important than ever – the future of independent journalism in our community.

Every day, I strive to shine a light on the stories that matter most to our city: the voices that often go unheard and the events that often get overlooked by mainstream media. The impact of the work I do is evident through the strength of our community’s engagement, and this is only possible because of your support.

In 2023, I was honored to be inducted into the Detroit Historical Museum, an acknowledgment of our collective effort to tell the rich stories of Detroit and its residents. Winning awards has been incredible, but the true recognition comes from knowing that the work we do resonates with you and brings about real change.

As a one-man media mogul army, I’m committed to continuing this vital work. However, to dedicate more time to citizen journalism and uncovering those independent news stories, I need your help. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today to consider supporting my journey on Patreon.

By signing up at, you’ll not only contribute to the growth and sustainability of this mission but also gain access to exclusive content, including blogs, videos, and live broadcasts that won’t be available on my public social media platforms. Your support allows me to focus fully on reporting, creating content, and ensuring that the stories of our community are told with integrity and passion.

If the suggested amounts don’t fit your budget, don’t worry! You can scroll down to “Make A Custom Pledge” to contribute any amount that works for you. Every bit helps, and no contribution is too small.

Join me in this endeavor to uplift our community through the power of independent journalism. Together, we can continue to make a significant impact and keep the conversation going. Thank you for your support!

Marc D’Andre
7Mile Radio


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