Marc D Live – Milla Boy Fires Shots at EVERYBODY !

Marc D Live – Milla Boy Fires Shots at EVERYBODY !

 very familiar face & voice, our homie Sam Miller a.k.a. Mill Boy stopped by the station today to drop some few of his newest music & share his preservative on the rials and tribulations as a up and coming hip hip artists from Detroit. Sam also spoke his piece on an on going elephant in the room, or should i say city in re-guards to an alleged break down within the ranks of a powerful black origination based out of Detroit.  Sam, a former member of the highly publicized and controversial group of young black activists by the name of New Era Detroit, spoke to us about why exactly he no longer chooses to affiliate with the origination, but why he still supports them. You may have seen a previous interview with “Zeek” the President of New Era Detroit where he shared his feelings about people who have left the org and chose to speak negativity about it, so here’s a voice from the other side of the fence on that situation.  Check out the video below for the full conversation.


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