Hit and Run leaves Detroit Mother in Mourning

Hit and Run leaves Detroit Mother in Mourning

Alvalina Bracey is currently mourning the loss of her son, 15 year old Jason Shropshire. Reportedly, June 1st, at around 8:40 pm, Jason Shropshire was walking with a group of friends headed to a restaurant nearby. It was said, police were in pursuit of a silver Ford Mustang at the time, in the area of 7 mile and Waltham. Witnesses said, during the pursuit, allegedly, the silver Mustang ran several traffic lights as it wove in and around traffic; then running onto the sidewalk hitting Shropshire, knocking him into the middle of the street, and proceeded fleeing. It was said, Shropshire was then transported to St. John Hospital in Detroit, with serious injuries.

Unfortunately, yesterday, Jason Shropshire died from his injuries. A cousin of Alvalina Bracey and Jason Shropshire, Garry Steger stated “Jason was a good young man, and headed down the right path. Our family is at a loss for words right now; we are hurting badly behind this”. The family says, the silver Mustang was never caught, and they are still in need of answers. They are asking, if you have any information about the incident, to please contact Detroit Police.

Jason Shropshire and Alvalina Bracey

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