Attempted Abduction cover-up at Nolan Middle School

Attempted Abduction cover-up at Nolan Middle School

We have just received info about an incident that happened on Wednesday, December 4th 2019 in the area East 7Mile and I75 near Nolan Middle School in Detroit Mi. A Member of the Staff at Nolan informed us about a situation where a child (who’s Age and Grade will not be disclosed) who was on her way home from school on Wednesday, was followed and chased by a white van on a side street near the school. The student says when she noticed the van was following her, she ran up the street and in between 2 occupied houses and hid in fear till the point of urinating on her self. The stalker aborted the case while she was out of view. The student did not have a cell phone on her person at the time because it was confiscated by the school for disciplinary reasons so she could not contact anyone at the time of the chase.

Sources say when the student finally made it home, she informed her Father about the situation who contacted the school. The Father visited the school shortly after to talk with the Principal, with whom he was furious with due to that fact that he could not GPS track his Daughters whereabouts at the time of the attempted abduction because her phone was still at the school. Word around the school among staff is that the Principal wants to keep quiet about the incident, as to not create a state of panic among Parents of students at the school which would potentially cause them to keep their kids from attending class, or remove them from the school altogether.

Please understand, that with the spike of missing people, human trafficking and organ harvesting cases in and around the Metro Detroit area, we do no take ANY accusations of stories of this kind lightly. Our reason for publishing this info is to raise awareness, and inform parents of students who attend this school , as well as residents in the area of the potentially dangers that are present. Also, so that Nolan Middle school, as well as all other Schools in the Metro Detroit area keep their eyes open and take precautions to keep our children in this city safe !

On Friday Dec. 6th at the end of the school day, 4 hours, 800+ social media shares and over 4000 views after this article was posted, Administration at Nolan Middle School issued a mass robo call to all parents of children who attends the school. The pre-recorded call informed parents of the situation that happened in the neighborhood near the school 2 days prior on Dec, 4th. Sources say that the call to the parents also stated that the incident happened on Thursday Dec 5th, which is false according to our sources.


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