Is the Covid-19 Vaccination putting people at risk for HIV?

Is the Covid-19 Vaccination putting people at risk for HIV?

According to The Lancet Medical Journal, reportedly, a group of researchers issued a statement warning the general public of risks of the Covid-19 vaccine. It was said, the vaccine could cause increased cases of the HIV infection. A summary of the statement suggests, supposedly, numbers of HIV cases will increase around the Nation, if the vaccine is given to those in at risk populations. The article of the statement was reported to have been written in October of 2020, and it is now December of 2020. Which implies, more than one version of the vaccine is available and has been distributed. There has been reports from various internet sources, that claim some individuals that received the vaccine, were reported HIV positive after. According to ‘Fact Checkers’, those allegations were not true. The Fact Checkers, are private entities hired to check trending news stories, to ensure the news reported is factual. Several medical organizations have reports of several alleged hoaxes currently trending online. Is the Covid-19 vaccination really putting people at risk for HIV? You decide…

Reference: Forbes (


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