‘Legally Armed In Detroit’ Protest In Lansing Against Police Brutality

‘Legally Armed In Detroit’ Protest In Lansing Against Police Brutality

Legally Armed In Detroit (LAID), is an organization that was formed in Detroit by Rick Ector. Ector is an advocate for gun rights and a certified firearms instructor. He owns Rick’s Firearm Academy based in Detroit, that assists clients with obtaining a Concealed Pistol Licence (CPL) through the State of Michigan. Ector organized a rally to take place in Lansing on Thursday. He was inspired to organize the rally, behind the unfortunate deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. It was said, the purpose of the rally was to discourage hate, encourage unity among ethnic groups, and to deter violence. Rick Ector, Stephen Alexander, and around 50 demonstrators were in Lansing today for the event. It was said, most of the demonstrators were armed and there to send a message.

Reference: The Detroit News (www.detroitnews,com)


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