MSU Issues Racists Survey To Students

MSU Issues Racists Survey To Students

This week students at Michigan State University students were given a very disturbing survey with several racists questions that have left student shocked. The survey which was only sent to students within one specific “learning community” appears to target Asians, Muslims and students of African decent with some of the disrespect aimed directly at black women. We have reached out to several students who attend the school who say this situation, along with others have made the question the integrity of the university , some even say it makes them feel unsafe while attending the University. This survey comes immediate after another situation where a noose made of toilet paper was hung on the door of black students who are housed on campus at the University. The school made a statement saying that the noose indecent was nothing more than a Halloween prank and should not be taken seriously.

A noose made of toilet paper hangs on the dorm room door of black students on campus a MSU

In a statement from the University in regards to the survey, A phone # was issues in regards to questions or concerns or complaints. We have reached out to Dr Saleem Alhabash, who is the apparently author of the survey. We have not received a reply. In the statement it is explained that the purpose of the “experiment” is to “evaluate the level of aggressiveness of some statements taken from social media platforms” Some students fail to find relevance in the survey.

Featured below is a photo galley of screen shots sent to us by a MSU student of some of the offensive questions included in the survey, as well as a post from a MSU student who is fed up with racism at the school.


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