Asian Murder Hornets in the United States

Asian Murder Hornets in the United States

They are called Asian Giant Hornets, and they are now here in the United States. The term “Murder Hornets”, started on social media. The first sighting of them was in Washington State. The hornets originated in Japan, and killed at least 50 people yearly there. Their long stingers penetrate deep, and contains a deadly venom. The deadly hornets are up to 2 inches in length, and they have large animated eyes that are different from other hornets.

Now they have migrated to the United States, and have been attacking honeybees. They are attacking entire honeybee hives and wiping them out. Their method of killing the honeybees, is by ripping their heads off. The Department of Agriculture is concerned about the loss of the honeybees. Honeybees play a big role in the stability of our environment and ecosystem. Honeybees assist with the growth of plants, trees and food. Scientist have been trying to find a way to stop the deadly hornets from killing the honeybees, but it may take time. It is unknown how and why the Asian Giant Hornets have migrated to the United States.


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