Possible Fatal Shooting on Outer Drive and Van Dyke

Possible Fatal Shooting on Outer Drive and Van Dyke

It was reported to us Sunday evening, a shooting occurred at the BP Gas Station on Outer Drive and Van Dyke. Reportedly, the shooting happened between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. this evening. 7mile Radio’s Marc D’Andre was at the scene to gather information about the incident. People on the scene at the time D’Andre was there, said someone was shot and killed at the gas station. There is no information on the validity of that statement. But, Detroit Police were on the scene at the time. Police were not allowing customers of the gas station on the scene, and there was a SUV near a gas pump in front of the station. The area was taped off with crime scene tape to prevent pedestrians access to the area. There was no information given to us by officials, about the possible victim or what occurred. According to officials, the investigation is still ongoing. Here is some footage Marc D’Andre was able to gather from the scene:


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