Woman Allegedly Assaulted Severely By Detroit Liquor Store Clerk

Woman Allegedly Assaulted Severely By Detroit Liquor Store Clerk

Some information was sent to us Tuesday morning, about an incident that was said to have occurred last week. It was reported, that a woman was severely assaulted by a liquor store clerk. According to the report, the incident occurred at Brandon’s Liquor Store on Puritan Avenue on Detroit’s west side. Allegedly, the woman was outside of the liquor store asking customers for change, and the liquor store clerk got upset and assaulted the woman. Reportedly, the store clerk drug the woman inside of the store while beating her, and 2 other store employees were behind the counter and did not intervene. Someone said to have known the victim before the incident, stated the victims name is Andrea Warren and she is 48 years old. It was stated, that Warren was in a bad car accident a few years ago, and the accident left her mentally impaired. There was a social media post that was sent to us, and commenters were presumably speaking about the incident.

There was also some footage sent to us. The footage shows the woman sitting on the floor in the liquor store bleeding severely from the face. There were several people around her, that seemed to be outraged by what they were seeing. It looks as if someone was calling 911, to get help for the injured woman. The video also shows someone closing the entrance gate in front of the store. Here is the footage:

There was no more information given to us, as of yet, regarding the outcome of the incident. We will bring you more information if it comes about. As of now, we presume the investigation is still ongoing.


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